Dr. Dearmin, DVM
Dr. Dearmin, DVM
About Dr. Dearmin
Dr. Dearmin grew up fascinated with animals of all kinds but did not know he would end up in Veterinary Medicine. Instead, he had a strong interest in wildlife. He earned his BA with Honors in Marine Biology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He then went on to complete a Master’s degree at the University of California at Santa Barbara working on symbiosis in coral reef systems. It was during his graduate work that he was introduced to Veterinary Medicine working part-time at a veterinary clinic that also aided in marine mammal rescue. Following completion of his Master’s degree, Dr. Dearmin was accepted to the veterinary medicine program at the University of California at Davis. Originally, he planned to pursue zoological medicine. However, he was quickly attracted to the discipline of surgery, became involved in clinical orthopedic research and was awarded the ACVS Senior Student Clinical Proficiency Award during his clinical rotations.
Dr. Dearmin completed his DVM training in 2000 and went on to a rotating internship at Texas A&M University and a surgery residency at the University of Georgia. He was Board Certified by the ACVS in 2006. During his training in Georgia, Dr. Dearmin was mentored by and participated in research with leaders in Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Surgery. Dr. Dearmin worked on research and publication of new techniques in minimally invasive surgery, total hip replacement, and osteoarthritis treatment. He also continued to maintain his interest in Zoological Surgery by participating in elective rotations with the Zoological Medicine Service.
Following residency, Dr. Dearmin entered private practice and has been working in multi-specialty practices along the West Coast of California. He has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of patients for trauma, non-traumatic orthopedic diseases, and soft tissue and surgical oncology procedures. He has particular interests in trauma surgery and minimally invasive procedures. Additionally, Dr. Dearmin serves as a volunteer for the ACVS in support of their Continuing Education efforts. Currently, he serves as the Assistant Director for Small Animal and Allied Medicine and Contemporary Topics. In this role Dr. Dearmin helps to bring the most current, cutting edge, and relevant clinical information to the ACVS membership.
Dr. Dearmin has a passion for bringing his surgical expertise and experience to help each patient get the best possible care and outcome. He values clear and open communication with his clients so they can understand the problems their pets face, and the steps needed to get them healthy and home again. He will take the time needed to be sure his clients and patients are cared for throughout the entire surgical and recovery period and their return to activity. Dr. Dearmin has also continued to provide support for non-
traditional pets and wildlife working with exotic pet practices, zoos, aquariums, and wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centers to provide care for animals as diverse as Jaguars, Penguins, and even fish!
Dr. Dearmin has relocated to the Midwest along with his wife Karen, who is an Equine Surgeon, his sons Donovan and Tyler who are attending college in the area, and their 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 horses, and 3 chickens, who are all happy to have more room to roam in their new home than they did in California! He enjoys spending time with his family skiing, kayaking, and enjoying the company of their animals at home. He is excited to be able to share his skills and experience with his new Midwest community. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the animals. Dr. Dearmin feels privileged to be able to care for each and every one of them, and never ceases to be amazed by their unique physiologies, abilities, and personalities.